And I Can't Stop Having These Visions

A look inside the madness of my mind--sports, politics or daily life--with humor and pop culture and music references embedded.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

I want to thank you...

"for giving me the best day of my life..."

Ya, so I've been gone for a while... deal. A short little story from last Thursday.

As has been documented. I've been sick. Which means I have flem in my throat. Which means that every now and then I gag and have to spit. When I'm outside, it's perfectly normal.

So I'm walking to go buy a Black Cherry Vanilla Coke from the Buck-I-Mart. And I'm walking next to the Knowlton School of Architecture. Well all of a sudden, I got the need to spit out some mucas like I previously mentioned. So I spit.


Apparently that was really rude of me. Ya it was approaching a corner. Well it landed on the pavement on the intersection of the two sidewalks. So I'm walking over it, and 3 people, 2 30-some year old women and a 40-year old man are walking up the other sidewalk. Well one of women was like: "Thank you"

OK, so it might have been rude for me to spit there... TOO BAD.... AND THEY WERE AT LEAST 5 STEPS AWAY FROM THE CORNER, SO IT WENT NO WHERE NEAR THEM.


I mean, what did you honestly want me to do before I spit, sit there and think, "Ok, should I go for it? I mean I'm not sure if I should go for it. It could me kind of mean." And then afterwards be like "Wow, I'm so glad I did that, I wasn't going to do it, but right at the last second I was like I'm gonna go for it and WOW AM I GLAD I DID!"


"I can see it all..."


  • At 4:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    you spelled phlegm wrong!

  • At 9:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    When you have to go, ya' have to go. When ya' have to spit, do it.

  • At 3:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thanks for the picture Varva~
    You are handsome.

  • At 12:51 AM, Blogger Paul C. Forsgren said…

    nice use of the stewie quote

  • At 2:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    haha. oh spitting.
    "And boy was it worth it."
    i hope it was.

  • At 2:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    and another thing.
    i love black cherry vanilla.
    but i am sure you already knew.


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