And I Can't Stop Having These Visions

A look inside the madness of my mind--sports, politics or daily life--with humor and pop culture and music references embedded.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Can I top my shit again?

"First line, should it be about the hoes or the ice?"

Alright stop, collaborate and listen, school is in session which means I'm on a mission. Time to blog regularly again, yay. I'm like one of those weird periodicals that publishes like 35 times a year. 10 weeks in a row, then a 3 week break, then 20 weeks in a row. Then every third week until the end of the year.

Well, a short one to start us off. In fact, it's mainly an addendum to a previous blog. I found more more entertaining signs and decided to post them.

We'll start with these poles that are well-known site on college campuses...

Looks fine, but if you look closer, you see this...

I'm all for helping blind people by adding braile... BUT HOW ARE THEY GOING TO KNOW WHERE AN EMERGENCY POLE IS... plus even if they did know where one is, I can fucking assume that they know the purpose of them without using braile to figure out that it says HELP! next to the button...

Anyway... on to a couple shitty pics that came out bad...

This is a truck with a license plate that read solely "666":

And this... is You Drink and Drive... YOU LOSE... it should read... "You Drink and Drive... YOU LOSE if and only if you get caught, typically you will just have had a damn good night and then realize the next day, 'Shit, why did I drive home?'"

This one is from Starbucks in the GOasis in Ashland. (Irrelevant side note is that Brandon lives there.) The GOasis is a topic of a completely seperate blog, but as far as the Starbucks goes... look at this sign

Now, I'm all about pimping websites and buying things online. Hell, 2 of my purchases from eBay include wire clothes hangers and rechargable batteries. BUT this is starbucks. I come into Starbucks to get a delicious frozen coffee drink, preferably a mint mocha chip frappuchino. You are NOT "Always Open" at Until you can magically get me a frap via the internet, I want that taken off.

And last is this wonderful speciman from Chili's....

Click here for full size picture.

Yeah... I really want them to do that like it was one of those crazy Japanese game shows.

That wraps it up. In other news, might be down for a day or so in the upcoming week as I transfer web hosting. If none of the pictures are working, that's why.

Oh and apparently Paul had 5 bags of bulk candy at the moment, which probably means he has bought around 10 pounds of bulk candy and already eaten 4 of it.

"Cmon homie, We major? We Major!"


  • At 1:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    my roommate took this pic at yellowstone on vacation

    according to this picture, my mom is the BEST gardener ever...shes been groying ones that look just like that for years. apparently those are some pretty rare rare that they dont exist.


  • At 1:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ok o u cant see the whole it is again but on two lines



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